
Luuk Zonneveld : « De privésector in Centraal Afrika: bedrijven, inkomsten en politieke stabiliteit ».


E-CA – CRE-AC organiseert haar 49ste Rotonde Policy Talk op maandag 27 november 2017.

Arguably the best way to combat poverty and underdevelopment is the flourishing of commercial enterprise, as research shows that worldwide, private companies, from the micro-enterprise market stall to major producers and providers of goods and services, provide up to 90% of jobs and income. Companies scale innovation, disseminate technology, generate the taxes that allow public bodies to provide infrastructure, education and health care, and contribute to communal, regional and national development.

Therefore, investments in private enterprise is particularly called for in Africa’s Great Lakes region, which suffers from the highest levels of poverty and underdevelopment in the world.

A second reason for promoting private enterprise in the Great Lakes region is the importance of economic development for political stability. The Indian economist Amartya Sen won the Nobel Prize for his research demonstrating the intricate relationship between economic prosperity and democracy. His thesis is that the root cause of political upheaval and violent conflict is the scarcity of decent paid work and income. If people’s basic needs are satisfied sustainably, they basically have more to lose than win by engaging in political infighting and violence.

BIO is an investment fund capitalized by the Belgian State. In my presentation, I will highlight how we invest in the DRC, Rwanda and Burundi, summarize our achievements and challenges, elaborate on the links between our investing and economic development, and invite to discuss how it may contribute to more political stability.

Luuk Zonneveld is sinds december 2012 aangetreden als CEO van BIO, de Belgische Investeringsmaatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden. Luuk Zonneveld heeft vele jaren ervaring in de ontwikkelingssector, in het bijzonder in het domein van de promotie en financiering van de privésector. Tussen 2008 and 2012 was hij directeur bij Vredeseilanden. Voordien, van 2001 tot 2007, was hij directeur bij Fairtrade International, de koepelorganisatie van fairtrade organisaties in Bonn. Luuk Zonneveld studeerde psychologie, sociologie en economie in Frankrijk en Nederland, en startte zijn carrière als journalist. Later bekleedde hij verschillende posities in de bedrijfswereld en in NGOs.